The PDx ordering platform provides operational efficiencies by allowing multiple vendor orders to be placed in one ordering session. A single order will seamlessly generate multiple purchase orders and transmit them to the appropriate vendor. This process creates competition between vendors and drives savings opportunities.

On average, PDx customers realize 15-20% savings on their PDx-managed vendors. Use of the portal is based on a subscription pricing model. Our customers find that their savings more than offsets the subscription fee.


Medical practice administrators are often challenged to control vendor costs and staff purchasing behaviors. Prices may be low on one item but high on several others. Staff and physician preferences can interfere with efforts to keep a grip on costs.

The PDx formulation process aligns the factors that drive these challenges. The PDx ordering platform provides visibility only to products on the formulary to ensure ongoing savings. Purchasing controls can be set up by user or order amount. Approval processes can be established for purchases outside of the formulary. The platform also alerts staff of vendor minimum order requirements. Ordering activities are then captured by user for reporting purposes.


On average, it costs at least $50 to process an order. Imagine what happens to that number when your AP team has to chase orders, packing slips and invoices to make sure that you don’t overpay – or under pay –for an order.

PDx provides a true 3-way match function that takes the guess work out of the process. Users can log in to “receive” their orders by comparing packing slips to purchase orders, make notes regarding discrepancies and communicate back to the AP team what to anticipate when invoiced.


There are a range of complicated factors that drive product pricing which requires an in-depth knowledge of the medical and pharmaceutical supply industry. Intermittent bidding between primary suppliers can provide initial cost savings, but those savings disappear with time. With PDx, it is no longer necessary to complete an annual bidding process between vendors.

The PDx platform captures and reports changes in pricing by item which can be tracked over time intervals. Our team receives daily data for continuous vendor and pricing monitoring on behalf of all PDx users while adjusting formulary product mixes, investigating contract changes, and eliminating vendor errors. It is the work of OUR team for YOUR practice that ensures True and Sustainable Savings.